Update from Londonderry

Hello Scaduto's! As I don't post very often, I just wanted to give you all an update on the goings-on in ever-so-quiet Londonderry. Since I last saw you, not much has happened. Mid-terms are coming up next week (eeek!) Which will be my first. I feel I shouldn't have a problem with any of the exams, except maybe English and Health. Both of those teachers tend to give very difficult tests, and I am sure they will not fail this time to keep their reputations.
Anyway, another thing that has kept me busy besides my incessant reading, has been track (which has just finished for the winter season
) writing, and drawing/painting. Also band, of course, but as of now, we are in the off-season. On St. Patrick's Day, we will be going to New York to be in the parade!
Here are some drawings that I have done.
I feel the pictures of the pictures didn't come out so well, so I will have to show you the actual drawings when I see you all again. The first I did just yesterday, with my new oil pastels and some baby oil (quite messy) The second one is also done with that technique. The third is an older drawing, done strictly with sketching pencils. Please, critique!

Another thing. On Friday, January 19, our school is going to be on Good Morning America, as some 60 or so girls have volunteered to get their hair cut for Pantene, to make wigs for cancer patients. Of course, my hair is a little too short to cut, but the band will be playing, and I wouldn't be surprised if they show some clips. Now, I'm not sure how long we'll be on the show, or anything, it could be just a few minutes, but watch if you can, and you might be able to see me play!

Miss you all and love you,


Kristin said…
oooo pretty. i like the one on top and the one on bottom the best! love you brat.
Dana said…
Can't read the text (not enough contrast) but the pictures are beautiful!

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