Hello Scaduto's! I just signed into the new blogger, not that hard. This past Saturday night my friends and I made some videos and put them on utube. Yes, this is what we decided to do instead of going to parties, lord help us... these were made in the wee hours of the morning.

This is the first one, called tastykake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XphC12c9mUA
My friends andrea and ashley were under the sheets, and lee ann and I stood behind and made the voices. Oh boy. Then this is the second one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM18F3cpx2E called Gum. You can also find these by going to youtube.com and typing in either tastykake or gum. Just a nice little update from your crazy cousin/neice/ grandaughter...whatever I am to each of you! Enjoy!


Russ said…
Very funny!

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