Picture delay

Due to technical difficulties (digital camera broke), I will not be able to post any more Ireland pictures for quite some time. Had to buy a disposable film camera, so when I get back I'll have to get it developed, and scan some to post. The wait will be worth it (assuming they come out).

Visited the seaport town of Cobh (pronounced Cove) this morning. A small, very beautiful, hillside, fishing community. They have an enormous ornate Church there; it dominates the landscape. Cobh also happens to be the last port of call for the Titanic (talk about a claim to fame!!).

Then spent all afternoon in Cork city. Nice place. I'm guessing that 1 out of every 20 businesses is a pub. Each is very small, and few serve anything to eat besides potato chips.

One thing for sure, you don't come to Ireland to go shopping. Everything is very expensive, and the American dollar is relatively weak to the euro dollar. I basically bought nothing while I was here; too damn expensive!!

Go Pats!! Watched the game tonight in the hotel lounge. My boss had them FedEx a special chip for the hotel's TV system so they could get the European channel that broadcast the NFL. Pretty interesting watching the game here, some of the Irish folks (other guest and hotel employees) really haven't a clue about American football.

Later, ... O'Ralph


Laura said…
thanks for the update sounds like a great time. Do their potato chips taste any better? love ya!
Russ said…
Ralph, Glad you're having a good time. The pics are great. What happened to your Olympus camera?
Kristin said…
let me interject uncle russell. He didn't bring his olympus camera, he brought my old panasonic digital camera that i replaced this xmas. it was on its last leg anyways because the on/off button broke off a few months ago and it appears to have died completely while dad was over there.

Have a good time daddy!
Mikayla said…
Cool, Dad. Make surey ou get me some landscape pictures, por favor. If you get a good one, I might be able to draw or paint it for you!

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