We're back....

After a very long day yesterday, we're back in Hummelstown. Our journey home started with a 7:30 AM taxi ride to the airport on Monday. This was no ordinary taxi ride. Although we made it thorough the Rome morning traffic OK, there are few concepts like "lanes" and "signals" in Rome. Both side mirrors of the taxi were held together with duck tape, evidence that other passengers were not so lucky. Then there was customs and that long ride back. Nine hours in a packed plane, sitting in one seat, leaves a lot to be desired. Even though it was a long ride, the service was good and they provided many movies to watch. We arrived home at about 6 PM, which was equivalent to midnight in Rome.

We have numerous photos and many stories to tell. We’re glad to be home and we’re looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

This photo was taken near the cathedral in Lausanne while we were waiting for the remainder of our dinner group to arrive.


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