bonjour encore!

Hello again family! So here is the update..
Shopping was good yesterday... i found a few little things that were cool. The clothes here seam less expensive then in America... tank tops for about 10 dollars instead of 20 or 30 but most of their clothes are not brand name and they are more plain. We did find this one amazing store which had american rap music playing in it (which i thought was comical because they probably had no idea what they were saying.. not like we do either...) but the clothes were so original, lots of different disigns with different cuts then normal clothing has. It was pricy so we didnt buy anything but it was probably one of the best stores we found. This trip was just the ladies keep in mind. We went for crepes for lunch which were amazing. Mom got one with ham and cheese, cara got one with cinnamon and sugar, and i got one with strawberry jam. They werent rolled up, they just layed flat and you cut them up. Yummm... i did take pictures but i think dad and i will come post pictures on here later. It´s truly amazing the eating habbits here. I have not ate this amount of food since i was probably like one year old and spit everything out. For example....
Breakfast = yogurt and a sip of water. (there were lunch meats but i couldnt eat that when i woke up!)
Lunch= one crepe
Dinner= a salad size plate of different types of pasta salads....

Thats like nothing! the swiss dont eat!!!

Okay so you may ask yourself... if they ate at a castle why did she just eat a tiny plate of pasta salad! well here we go...

So us ladies figured out the trains and met dad near where we were going to dinner. but what none of us knew, was that we had to take a tour before the dinner. We had high heels on. So we did a tour of a church (there was no castle...) and our feet were killing us, then at about 8, yes 8, not the 5 o clock dinner we planned on haha, we ate our plates of pasta salad while staning in a court yard of a muesum. So we thought this was the starter... so we´´re standing there waiting around.. and it looks like people are leaving. So afer trying to look around the meusem with no english describing the artifacts, we left, hungry, tired, and dissipointed that our parents paid like 45 dollars for each of us for this. So when we got back, we changed into jeans and sweat shirts since it was cold, and went down to a restaurant on the street and ordered some plates of meat and cheese and drinks. We were so exausted that there were no bar stories from last night.

I´´m starting to get a taste...well barely a taste haha of what the swiss life is like. Today, the three girls are going to maybe shop a little, go paddle boating or on a big boat tour of the lake. Dinner is up in the air i have no idea.. dad wont get back till after 5 from meetings. Okay, hope that update was good for y´all! Hopefully picutes will go up soon.



Mikayla said…
Wow! See? This is why so many people in the U.S. have a weight problem compared to other countries. Even if we are a little more fat than the rest of the least we aren't starving...
That sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I could be there with you!!
Kristin said…
hey love, keep shopping. If you shop enough, you'll hit it just right!! and dear god you people are going to have to eat 3 mealsi n one just to survive. if that's what europe does to be so skinny, i think i'll take us obese americans. looking forward to some pictures! I bet its gorgeous!!!! chckec your email dollface xoxoxoxo.

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