
bonjour! Hello family, this is laura reporting from the internet in our hotel in switzerland! as i can see, dad has not yet made it here to update the family, so i will have the honor. okay first off, i am sorry for the poor grammar, i cant find any of the normal buttons on this french keyboard. okay , i will begin...
We arrived here at our hotel after sooo much traveling yesterday at around 10 am their time, which means 4 or 5 am in the US. with no sleep we found our way back, but accidently left dad´s poster for his presentation on the train to Geneva. So rather than sleep, dad and mom took a bus to this store kind of like Staples to re print the whole thing. So, cara and i slept a few hours and walked around. This city is really cool. It has a lot of stores and restaurants, and some buisnesses, but it is clean and very comfortable looking. most of the buildings are cream colored with red roofs, and there are some older looking buildings that look victorian, and some more castle looking ones too. Our hotel looks right out onto Lake Geneva where there are sail boats, paddle boats, giant swans haha and some speed boats. One major difference that cara and i noted, was a place like this is the US would be over crowded and loud, but it was quiet and peaceful by the water yesterday. (i should write a book.) Anyways, there are a few docks that go out onto the water, and some benches that cara and I ate our lunch on. You can make out some of the houses on the other shore, then behind them, the blue Alps. It looks like a postcard when you look out of the balcony. Tres beau. They also speak french here, mostly all french too. Most people other then the people at the hotel, like the taxi drivers, and waiters at the restaurant do not. So I am having a blast translating and speaking french to everyone. It´s so much fun to relate to other people that you normally could not speak one word to. I´´m not saying my french is great, but i can understand most directions and talk mostly. Although you can tell with both eyes closed that we are ignorant americans haha it helps to try to relate.

So last night after a dinner of meat fondu, we went to a bar called the White Horse. There are no women in the bars first off, but it was still fun,. Mom was tired so she left and went to bed, and cara, dad and i stayed for a little, then went to another bar where they were all watching the soccer game of portugal and france... they were all chearing for france. France won.. need i say more? There was pandamonia... chearing, chanting, singing, flags waved, cars honking all night, screaming... it was like when boston won, but not as cool. haha...

So now france will play Italy on sunday. THis is exciting for us, because we ¨supposdly¨ (spelt the right way...) will be in Bologna. I say that because we hope that they don´t strike and we can still get the train and bus to where we need to be. Apparently they strike for anything that they think is a big deal... so I am not sure what will happen. Keep your fingers crossed.

So since dad is in meetings all day today, the three ladies will have to find out what shopping is like here. Darn it!! life is hard... I wish Kristin was here to help (tear!)

Tonight we have dinner with dad´s business in a Castle. I´m excited and really tempted to wear like a crown or something, because of course, all scaduto girl´s are royalty. I have only toured castle´s before, so to be able to sit there and eat like the olden days if you will, it pretty exciting pour moi. I am sure dad will post pictures.

Okay, time to go, but there will be more posts to come. I love you all and we all have been thinking of everyone and wishing that you were here. J´dore...

laura !


Laura said…
I just read over that and I appologize for most of what i said that did not make any sense. Jet lag. I made it sound like because there we not women in the bar i was not having fun haha. I just meant that cara and I were the odd ones out. Okay now that we have that straight. Much love!
Kristin said…
i wish i was there too!!! you'll have to shop lots in honor of me~
Mikayla said…
Wow! That sounds really cool. I am so so so jealous.

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