its been a while

Laura and I were noticing how sparse the blog has been lately!! Shame on all of us.

I don't have much to update, but i thought something was better than nothing. I went apartment hunting today in Concord, NH. I looked at 4 places with 2 other girls. We found one that we really liked. Its literally across the street from the law center, so we can walk to school in about 2 minutes. Its a house that has been turned into 2 different apartments. "Our" side has 4 bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, a 3 season porch and a basement with laundry facilities. Its an older house so the ceilings are really low, but its very cute and homey. It is also across the street from a nice little park, which also has a pool. I doubt I'll be doing much swimming in the fall and winter though. Its fully furnished so i no longer have to worry about a) buying furniture and b) how to get all the furniture up there! We even choose which bedrooms we will each have. Of course, I managed to finagle myself the one with the largest closet, although because the house is so old, that's not really saying much...Overall, its really nice, much nicer than some of the other houses in the area, so we're paying a little bit extra, but i think the promixity to the school makes it worth it. I wish i could post pictures, but i managed to kill my batteries taking pictures of the kitten last night (who by the way, is so freaking cute i want to put him in my purse and steal him) We're all going to take the weekend to think it over and hopefully we'll talk to the landlord on Monday and let her know. We will also be looking for one other girl to take the 4th bedroom but we're pretty sure we can easily find someone from the same roommate list that we all found each other.

Happy Father's Day to the World's Best Daddy, the world's best uncles, and the best nonno around! Hope you all celebrate aptly tomorrow, but i doubt any of you will have a problem with that.

someone else post soon! it's soo quiet around here.


Kristin said…
welcome daddy! Too bad you had to work, but this weekend is the Red Sox.
Laura said…
Stinks that the game got moved

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