more pics of the new kitten Fenway


Mikayla said…
My baby boy!!! He is so adorable!!!
Kristin said…
MY baby boy. you shush.
Mikayla said…
MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
he lives at MY house last time i checked, after all...
Kristin said…
and i believe, the last time i checked, its not YOUR house, since your name isn't on the mortgage and all. He's my baby! He likes me better anyways
Mikayla said…
Oreo is mean to us. He is a grumpy old cat. Fenway will never be a grumpy old cat. He will be a cuddly nice old cat. See the difference?
And he is more mine than yours, considering I live with him and you dont. And I cant exactly own a house yet, considering i am 14 years old...
Kristin said…
i named him, therefore he is mine. Just like Morgan is mine.
Laura said…
dear lord cousins! I'm going to come kid nap the kitten so he's mine! I think oreo is cute too, he lets me pet him a good 5 minutes before he hisses at me.
Kristin said…
you can HAVE oreo if you want him.
Mikayla said…
well, lucky you. oreo hates me. you can have him. No fenway though. he is mine.

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