Just in case you had doubts...

I finally have evidence! Despite common beliefs, I do have a brain. Many folks recently questioned this when we decided to leave a Red Sox game this past Saturday (at Fenway, no less) with the score tied at 3 -3 after 9 innings against the Phillies. As you may recall, we missed the walk-off homer by Papi in the bottom of the 10th. Some folks just learn the hard way.

Anyway, this is an image of an MRI scan I had last November. Everything was normal and I thought this image was just too cool not to share.


Laura said…
thats cool and gross all in one. Whats that white thing in the middle? Is at a peanut?
Kristin said…
no fair! I've had a gazillion MRIs and they've never given me a picture of my brain!
Mikayla said…
maybe because yours isnt big enough to see without a microscope :)
Mikayla said…
hehe. i love you sunshine :D
Kristin said…
that's the last time i try to help you out whem mom tells me you owe $175 for your cell phone bill.
Mikayla said…
i was kidding! geez... sorry

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