Hey everyone! Haven't posted in a while and i thought i would update you. I officially accepted the offer to attend Franklin Pierce in Concord NH. There was a lot of reasons why, but a big factor was the cost of living in NH compared to Boston. Right now i'm in the process of finding an apartment. I think i might have found a roommate. Her name is Jill and she seems pretty nice. We're hoping to find 1-2 other people to live with. We both have a love of shopping, which can be a wonderful bonding experience (right Laura?!?)
Other than that, i am working with my dad over the summer. I'm making these plate things...and there's some glue involved. Honestly i have no idea what it is or why, but they're paying me quite well so i can't complain. Except for the having to be at work at 7 a.m. That SUCKS. I feel like i'm in elementary school because i have a 10 p.m. bedtime! My friend Erin, some of you might remember her, we've been friends since kindergarden, she's working with me there too. Its nice to have some one my own age there and to share the commute with.
We're getting a new kitten!!!!!!!!! and by we, i mean my mom and mikayla. God forbid dad let me get a kitten. (hehe, love you daddy) Actually, in his defense, he said we could if we got rid of all the other pets, but that's just mean. Anyways, that's what the picture is of. We don't have a name yet, but we also don't know the sex either. Anyone have any ideas?!?! Its from a friend of my cousin Amy's, so i have to go meet her tomorrow and get him/her. I'm really excited!
Still hoping to take a trip to PA this summer to visit. I misssssss everyone! Laura and I missed some quality time together when she wasn't able to make it up for the weekend last month. Plus i owe her a visit!! She has been here 3 times now after all.
Hope everyone is well. I am off to bed. Yes, at 10 p.m. Its so sad. LOVE YOU
okay uncle ralph: Fisrt, i dont think anyone but dad would be interested in what a 384-well Plasmid Miniprep Clearing Plate" aaaaannnndd- kristin and i are already choosing dates for the visit, so u better just be ready to hop in the car and come down here! It should be a good time...
Congrats on ur school decision- and i will be thinking of lots of cat names on my 6 hour shift at work tomorrow haha love you