dining room upgrade

A friend of mine sold his house (next town over). He put some furniture up for grabs. So, I grabbed two items; both for the dining room.

I now have a corner hutch. My 'lighthouse' set of dishes is displayed prominently.

Sort of screwed up my wall of photos and album art; to which I say, "oh well". Perhaps some winter month I'll re-configure the frames (for now it stays as is).

The second item is a large wall mirror. When I saw it at Doug's, I knew it needed a bit of cleaning, and certainly it did clean up nicely, however, what I then realized is the silver backing of the glass is pitted. Not to the point that I'll ditch the mirror, as you really can't tell from anything more than 2 feet away. (I wonder how much it would cost to have the mirror refinished, hmmmm.)

So, that's my dining room upgrades.

See, much to all your dismays, my life is very exciting. (ya, right)


Laura said…
It's more exciting than the math stuff you had earlier
Kristin said…
hey, why don't i get credit in the blog for my great polishing job?? that baby shines.....
Laura said…
you made kristin polish and you took all credit!? What kind of an uncle are you!?!?!?!?
Kristin said…
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Kristin said…
hey thanks laura!!!

and still dad, i think doing my laundry is a more appropriate show of your gratitude
Mikayla said…
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Mikayla said…
Kristin actually did something around the house? yay sunshine!

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