Ah, so I saved this long entry for a 6 hour shift at work. So yes, I have a job at Central Penn Fitness Center in Harrisburg. http://www.mycpfc.com/Pages/Home.htm Well, maybe I should back track to why I am working here. I decided to change my major from english to Excersize Science/ Fitness/ Physiology - slash I'm not exactly sure. It's something I've always been interested in, and I've decided to persue it. Although I'm pretty sure the starting salary after college would be around 30tho if I persue maybe a double major in buisness or get my masters there is more hope. (How can I buy all those shoes on Newbury with only 30 thousand/yr!?) Anyway though, I'm really happy and excited. Right now I'm working at CPFN at the desk, but next month I'm doing some basic personal training with new members- setting up a basic workout plans- and evaluating their current health status. So this is a good way to break into the business. So I should get my personal training cert in school but that's not till later. Since I still have stiches in my back- I can't start this yet because I can't work out for at least 2 weeks. (Which really STINKS for me.)
School wise- I've applied to Shippensburg University, East Strousburg University, and DeSales University. I've been accepeted into the first two, and I'm waiting on DeSales to make my final choice. I'm kinda going between Shipp and Desales but I stil have to visit and ask questions, see the campus, etc. So i'll keep ya'll posted.

Soooo the stiches. I've had this bump on back for over a year and it started to get painful and hurt. So i went to the dermo to get it checked out- and they said I'de need to get it removed. So I made an appt, and according to Mom, it would take 15 mintues in and out. But does anything EVER take 15 mintues with me!? I think not...

Soo.... I go in and she draws a circle on my back with a purple marker and says, "Yeah definaltly a cyst, no prob." So i'm thinking okay I can do this, I hate needles, but its okay i can deal. So i like lay face down on the table and they used that yellow doctor scrub cleaning stuff like they use on ER on my back. Then they start packing towels in around the spot for "fluid?!"... so they start shooting up my back which burns like OUCH. So, sissors are out and i can hear the sking being cut.. my stomach drops, great feeling. So i'm just laying there talking about American Idol, while the surgon and assistant dig into my back. Then I hear this "Humm.... Sue, what do u think this is?" They lower their face to the spot to inspect it more and poke it. "Hummm", says the assistant. Me: "What!? What?! What is it? Is it bad!?" Okay what do you think when ur laying there and your doctor has no clue what that freaking lump on ur spine is?

"Well, It's not a cyst but i think its Lycoma." (no idea how to spell it) - which basically means there is fat from deeper in your skin layers from the hypodermis that made it up under the epidermis (the top layer of skin/ surface)- which can raise the skin and cause irration if pressed on because its just a hard mass of fat. Pretty nice sounding right? So, ms. docotor says, "Well we're going to have to get this out and there are some smaller masses around it and they go pretty deep so we're going to have to go deeper." So out come more shots and the mellon-baller of surgical tools to "scoop it out". Then I start to feel this pain in the right side so I ask "Should i be feeling this on the right side?" Doctor, "No no! Oh Sue can I get some more cc's of blabla." More shots that burn. So my shot count it up to 6 now. A century goes by with the mellon baller digging into my back, then says "You're going to smell some skin burning when i use this tool to Cauterize some vessels, so don't worry." Yeah that smell made my stomach feel so much better, thank you Ms.Pain. Then the first layer of deep stiches, then the top. More doctors come into peak at this one of a kind procedure- lucky me. Feeling ur skin being pulled around with stiches is pretty creepy too. So, an hour and 10 mintues later I'm all cleaned and stiched up with a big bandaid. I got a barbie sticker and crap load of pain out of it-- thank you dad for the percoset, much appreciated . So 2 weeks of NO activity, sitting on my but, and not leaning back. Cant pick up anything heavier than a phone book.. learned that was true with a gallon of milk, ouch.

So its just irratating now, and a pain in the butt. At this point, I would take the lump back. So that's my life update. My math classes at HACC (Harrisburg Area Community College) start this mon till the end of June, so that should be boat, truck, car, and plane loads of fun.

PS. Although the powerpoint was a sucess and amazing, plans sucked and the girl was going to come bailed, it would have been great, and I'm bummed but hopefully more visits will pop up this summer.

Okay so I don' t think that was "justin" length, but who the heck has that much to say!?!??! haha just kidding........................

Mucho Scaduto Love xoxo


Justin said…
Yee-ikes. That totally does not sound fun. If it makes you feel any better, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out soon.

That post was of formidable length, but still not up to par with the novel I wrote. If you ask any of my friends, you'll know I don't shut up, and when I start writing something I do pretty much the same thing.
Kristin said…
wow laura 2 entries in one day. You're making everyone else look bad. Except of course for Justin, whose written enough in one entry to keep up for a month.
Cara said…
mom---pat her on the back---is that a sick joke?? Laura you had better watch out for her

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