me too

Now I guess it's my turn. I read all the things that goes on in your lives . But it seems I have nothing to write about except about Nana's recupertion. It's coming along but it's a slow process and she has little patience.We go see the surgeon next Thurs.[the 1st] and he will take exrays and see if it's healing according to schedule. I'll let you know how she makes out. I guess my stories are short compared to all the others, but maybe my next one I'll have more to say.


Laura said…
It's good to hear an update Nono, it's okay if you don't have tons to say... I miss you guys love you!
Mikayla said…
Hi Grampa! Its nice to hear from you, and I am glad that Nana is getting better! I love you both, and miss you!

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