Am I seeing double!

OK, we all know there can be only one Auntie Dana. So the question is, how did I do this? No, I did not "cut and paste" a copy of Dana on to the photo to create the duplicate.

Click on the image for a better view.


Russ said…
Yes, the photo was stitched.

I gave Dana a cute little digital camera for our anniversary (Canon SD400). It's an older model Canon, but it has all the features that are needed and it's really tiny. The stitching software that came with the camera is the best I've seen yet. It actually "bends" the images to get the images to mate properly.
Kristin said…
you both know that you are the only two that know, or care, how he managed to do that, right?!? What cute geeky daddies you two are.
Russ said…
Kristin: Did you know that is was recently determined by scholars that there's a translation error in the Bible? For nearly two thousand years (in the Beatitudes, in the Sermon on the Mount, Gospel of Matthew), what was though to say "the meek shall inherit the earth" was incorreclty translated. It's now know to say what was really intended, that "the geeks shall inherit the earth". It's true. Really!
Kristin said…
my dad says that to me all the time! You guys are really too much alike!

and also? wishful thinking ;-)
Laura said…
dear lord dad, that joke...
Mikayla said…
Wow you two are the geekiest people known to man. Break out the pocket protectors why dont you...

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