I wish it were for gold, not water!
This week we started our well-drilling project. Since the ground never froze this winter, they had to wait until it dried out a bit to support the weight of the drilling rig. The plan is to increase the diameter of the well from 6" to 10". Who ever said size does not matter does not know anything about wells!

Here's a pic of the rig. The gray stuff is powdered stone. The first 60' down is soil and the remainder, all the way down to 600', is solid rock.

This is the front of the rig. The white pipe is the 10" diameter casing that extends down to 60'. The old 6" casing was steel, but the new one is PVC. You can see the boring head in this picture. Pretty awesome teeth on this puppy. Here is a closer look. All solid carbide makes short work of that stone. With any luck we'll have water for Cara's party!
