she's figured it out!

Hey family! I decided it's about time I jump on the blogging wagon. My work is even starting one.
I have one weekend left in D.C. and am looking forward to moving home! I love the city but the program I'm here on is terrrrrible. My roommate from Dickinson, Leah, is in Italy for 3 weeks after I get home so I was shopping around this afternoon for a cheap(or as cheap as they come) ticket to Rome for a week. Mom and Dad don't know about this yet:) Italy twice in one summer sounds almost too good to be true.
Uncle Ralph- Bob and I were shopping in Georgetown, DC this weekend and I found THE pink shirt. If you're still looking for one let me know. You can't probably find it online too at Lacoste. Bob thinks I'm nuts because I got so excited over a t-shirt.

Cousins- hope school is going well!!


Laura said…
Did my sister actually post this? Congrats Cara! haha Hey hey if you get to go to italy again, little sister here either 1)wants to come or 2) wants to go somewhere too!!!

haha see ya soon love ya !
Kristin said…
cara's finally here!!!

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