Nana, an update...

Just wanted to pass on some good news about Nana's surgery.

Nana went into surgery yesterday at about 3 PM and Dr. Brooks finished the surgery at about 6:30. He came into the waiting room with a smile to tell Dad and me that he was able to clear away most of the compression of the nerves around the spinal cord and that Nana should be getting much relief from the pain once the healing starts.

She spent the night last night in the recovery room, although Nana does not remember a thing about it. Her condition is already improving, as she was in a lot less pain today than when in the recovery room last night.

Today Nana was fitted with a back brace and she was up and around for about 20 minutes. Dad, Ralph and I spent most of the day with her this afternoon. She will need to have the back brace for the next 6 to 8 weeks while her back heals. She'll probably be in the hospital for 2 more days and then heading for a rehabilitation center for 4 or 5 days.


Laura said…
I'm so glad everything went well, and I'm sure the recovery will go well too. We all love you Nana!
Kristin said…
that's wonderful to hear. thanks for updating us.

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