procrastination at it's best

I'm trying to finish my Washington Center portfolio right now and this seems like a much better idea than writing and internship defense letter. Dad, thanks for the procrastination opportunity with this thing. I went this morning to the Washington Human Society to volunteer for a few hours and fell in love with a rottwieler puppy named Solomon. We went on a walk and he ate every rock in sight. That's love. He also has a cat buddy that I'd like to adopt with him. They were playing all morning with me. Somehow this cat holds its own when Sol's massive paws come flying at him. The poor cat doesn't even have a name! I don't even like cats and I'm trying to just keep Dad's words in my head about not having a home to come home to if I addopt any more animals...apparently Hannah's a big dog?
Tomorrow night we're having our last meal as a "family" here. My roommate Cathy and I are making dinner for us 4 in our room and the 4 guys that we've taken in down the hall. It should be fun!
Krisitin- I am sooo jealous that Laura's getting to come see you for graduation and please please know that I really want to be there to celebrate with you. My professor back at Dickinson sealed the deal when he gave me back my edits for the paper I have due that Monday. I've got my work cut out for me when I leave this place.

Anywho, lots of love everyone


Kristin said…
don't worry about not being able to make it, i completely understand. I will miss you lots though! But focus on your school work and start to enjoy your summer! Love you lots
Russ said…
I couldn't read it either. So, I changed the test color to yellow.
Laura said…
Dude dad, i want a picture!

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