So i signed up for this.

I'm not a blogger, but i saw that dad was looking for me on here, so i finally broke down and signd up.

First thing i want to do is thank Auntie Dana profusely for the Valentines Day cookies. They are much appriciated. Espeically the ones with carmel in the middle. They're my favorite. Sorry i haven't gotten back to you sooner, but I'm not so big on the whole "communicating" thing. I'd rather curl up and fall asleep, which, coincidentally is why I now weigh more than my father (aside from his anorexic tendencies lately...j/k)

So Sunday i joined a gym and started working out. 75 dollars a month...that' rediculous. Anyway i just have to keep up with it now - which - dad, as you know, working out isn't something i've been notoriously faithful at doing - ever. Here goes nothing.

Incidentally, nothing i say here can compare with the golden opportunity below of Kristin and Laura meeting Tommy Lee. I'm sorry I can't help but laugh. ....


Kristin said…
haha...eric @ a gym.sorry, its not that funny....except that it is.
have laura come visit you, she motivated me to go to the gym.
Russ said…
Of all the celeb's to meet.. Tommy Lee. What a slime ball. You're right about that Eric.

I think my meeting Antonio Banderas trumps that. Only I don't have a photo. Almost met Bill Cosby a few years ago, but he was late for breakfast.
Russ said…
Eric, you can't say you're not a blogger anymore.

About the cookies. I like it when your aunt does this too. I'm the official taster!

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