law school

I just wanted to update you all that i got accepted into my first law school today, New England School of Law, in Boston.

Dad may or may not have called some of you to let you know, but i wanted to share the good news myself for anyone we haven't reached. I may or may not end up going here, but its a hugh sigh of relief just knowing that i have been accepted somewhere. I am still anxiously awaiting the decisions from the other 4 schools i applied to, BC, BU, Suffolk, and Franklin Pierce. As excited i am about this, i am thinking much more in the moment and i can not wait for Laura to get here on Sunday!! Thanks for sharing in my good news! Love you all!!! :-)


Dana said…

Your Dad had sent us an e-mail yesterday but hearing from you directly was really cool. I am soooo happy for you. I bet the amount of tension you shed could fill up a stadium. I am so proud of you. You have worked hard & it's paying off. Now, go learn good stuff so we can make better laws. Be warned, however, you will get really tired of lawyer jokes. Love, Auntie Dana
Kristin said…
Thanks Auntie Dana/Uncle Russell/Dad and everyone. Your support means the world to me! :-)
Laura said…
whoop whoop! Kristin is the bombbbbb baby!
Kristin said…
oh daddy, stupid jokes at 2 a.m that only you would find funny...

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