Playing ice hockey

It's been about 15 years since I last played ice hockey. Tonight that streak ends. Not sure if this 45 year "young" body should be doing this, but the 20 year old mind is in the drivers seat on this decision.

Opportunity is knocking, and I might not ever get the chance again.

I'll comment back with the results; but that might take a while if I end up in a hospital!

(i must be nutsssssss)


Kristin said…
oh daddy....sometimes i think i should be the parent and you should be the child. be careful-love you
Russ said…
I was recently asked to play on a team for a spring/summer league. So far I've turned them down, but it's tempting. Too hard to keep up with the young ones. There are too many young ones now. Funny how that never used to be a problem.


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