Hi all! I haven't had much to post as of late, but at Laura's request, i'll give an update anyways.

Mikayla stayed over in Boston last night and today i am taking her shopping for her birthday. She is asking for shoes....ahhh, a girl after my own heart! :-)

In the next couple of weeks i am taking my days off to go visit all the law schools i applied to but haven't had the chance to see yet. I did recently get accepted to Franklin Pierce in Concord, NH but i am still waiting to hear from the others. I have until April 15 to make a decision. Talk about not leaving me with much time!

Other than that, i am anxiously awaiting the last day of classes, which is about a month away, on April 19th. I have about 2 weeks off between classes ending and graduation so i'm looking forward to just enjoying the city, hopefully the weather will be nicer by then.

Anyways, nothing new or exciting here. I am looking to seeing you all at my graduation! Love you and miss you xoxoxo



Laura said…
thanks for posting Kristin! Im super excited that im going to see you in may :-)

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