Hello from the library!!
Definitely not as fun as "Hello from Dublin":-P I finally downloaded pictures from my camera over the weekend and thought I'd throw a few on here for your viewing pleasure.

I'm sure this is one that everyone will appreciate-- Dad in the hospital after our fateful ice hockey day. It was one heck of a scary afternoon but he's all better! He still gives the thumbs up:)
Me at the top of Pico before going down my first black diamond. I was terrified but did it and can't wait until next winter so I can keep on going!
Swimming ON Mascoma Lake. Summer is going to be a blast here.
Kevin and me at Lake Champlain after Law Prom. We didn't take any photos of us dressed up the night before so this will have to do.
Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm sure this is one that everyone will appreciate-- Dad in the hospital after our fateful ice hockey day. It was one heck of a scary afternoon but he's all better! He still gives the thumbs up:)

Hope everyone is doing well!
Love you