
Hey Fam!
Just thought I'd put up some pictures from Friday at Fenway. We made it into the city with no problems and found our way to Pag's. It was awesome and we ate sooooo much food. From there we decided that we'd walk to the stadium. It ended up being more of a run but we made it without getting lost (Nic has some sick sense of direction). The game was a blast and they won:) We made it out of the city with no problems as well. All in all it was a perfect night! I also discovered that I'm less than 2 1/2 hours from the city. Here are a few of the pictures I took. Dad, the picture of the pitch...check out the middle of the screen. I caught the ball! Eat your heart out. Little tiny camera from the back of the stadium:)


Ralph said…
Cara .. Looks and sounds like you had a great time.

No surprise, but I adore the city of Boston. I've heard it described as the most european city in the United States, which might explain why I like it so much.
Cara said…
I had a blast:) Couldn't have asked for a more fun evening. I'm excited to get back to the city and just tool around. I'll be hitting up Mikayla and Eric for guided tours:)
Ralph said…
Cara .. Not to brag (but I will), but I give a darn good Boston tour myself.

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