Say Hello

to the newest member of the Scaduto clan:

born 8/5/09
Adam and I adopted her from the ASPCA this past weekend.

named after:
my favorite NYC bakery (though, it does not do Cannolis but the cupcakes are to die for!) One of my friends pointed out that only I would name my cat after a bakery. So true.

So far, she loves to cuddle on your lap, has an odd obsession with the bathroom rug, and sleeps all day and cries all night, but we love her to death. I promise she will not bite you or swipe at your feet if you come visit *unlike some cats we know*

Happy Halloween.


Ralph said…
Hello Magnolia. See you soon, and you better get over that night time crying before I get there!!
Laura said…
i love your kitty, I can't wait to meet her someday! If you ever need a babysitter, ship her on over :o)
Cara said…
Stowe's new girlfriend:)
Kristin said…
Haha, she is over the night time crying but she will very likely jump up on the bed to sleep with you!

awwww, good thing it isnt illegal in NY for cousins to get married - stowe and maggie can live happily ever after!!

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