Sucks 2 BU!

For Father's Day, I bought Daddy tickets to the BC vs. Kent State Football game on Saturday, September 13. Mikayla, Dad and I all went and had a great time (and a nice trip to Pag's and Mike's afterwards of course!)

Before the game, we headed to BC early for Alumni Fan Fest. I could not resist the opportunity to get my face painted. For some reason, Mikayla did not like my choice in face paint!

BC won 34-7 and we all had a great day before I left for New york!!

Speaking of, this post is coming from my new apartment in the financial district of Manhattan!!! Dad drove me down on Sunday afternoon and left last night. The apartment is great, but very unfurnished. We are expecting our first furniture delivery this afternoon!! Hotel LaRock-Scaduto is now accepting reservations for visitors :-)

Love you all!


Russ said…
Great pictures, thanks. Looks like you had a great time, plus a dinner at Pag's! I'm so jealous!
Ralph said…
Please reserve 14-15-16 of November for your Daddy's next visit to the big apple.
Laura said…
I would be the first on your reservation list if i was there!!! Cant wait till your all moved in and we can see pics! love you!
Laura said…
oh and yes, SO jealous of pags and mikes!!!!
Mikayla said…
Kristin said…
haha! Laura, I will still be here in a year when you return (you better return!!!!) and then you can make all the reservations you want <3

Sorry KK, but it was too funny!

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