Sports Illustrated: Eat your heart out

Dana and I went to Camden Yards today and saw the Sox beat the O's 9-3. Great game. Here's some cool pics.

Youkilis was down in the count 0-2 and he fought his way back to earn a walk. Here, he fouls a ball off his left leg.

Pedroia gets in the outfield under a pop fly.

With bases loaded in the 1st inning, Lowell squares up against the ball for an RBI single.

After a lead-off walk, Ellsbury easily steals 2nd base under a high throw.

Jason Bay is hit by the pitch, shown here ruffling his shirt.


Cara said…
I am SO jealous...Fenway next weekend. Eat your heart out:P
Laura said…
I think you missed your calling as a photographer dad! Those were great! glad you had fun, im jealous of you and cara now whos going to fenway. Ugh!
Cara said…
:( Laura I wish you could come
Ralph said…
Russ ... Those are some fantastic photos. Nice shooting.

I look forward to when a camera of this capability is something I can afford, and is smaller than a microwave oven.

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