More LHS band at the parade.

I think this may be Mikayla. A bit hard to tell.

Two more video's:


Dana said…
Very cool. I choose to believe it's her. What an amazing opportunity to be in DC and to be in this parade. It was an historic occasion!
Kristin said…
It does like her! I wish i could see her trumpet. That would be the best way to tell. I think she is one of the only ones in the band w/ a silver trumpet. I also choose to believe it's her. How cool.
Laura said…
pretty cool KK!
Ralph said…
Well, at some point Mikayla will actually look at this, and let us all know whether it is really her or not.

Then again, since we all want to believe, perhaps she'll just let us continue to believe no matter what. And I'm okay with that.
Mikayla said…
Yepp. That's definitely me...and unfortunately Sunshine, a bunch of Frosh have Silvers now. Meanies!

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