New Zealand!

Hey fam, just got back monday from a 16 day trip to New Zealand with Stephen. We did so many activities, they're hard to keep straight. I'll try to show most of them!

<-- this is a picture from the Glacier hike we did in Franz Joseph. It is in the south island, and it was an 8 hour hike through ice tunnels and all. Very cold!

This is from the Polynesian Spa in Rotorura. It is one of the top ten spas in the world! They have natural salt springs and are known for their rich mud. This town smelt like sulfur because its an active volcano town? weird huh? The ground was smoking everywhere!

We also got our own mountain biking guide in Rotorura. The trails were AWESOME some of the best mountian biking in the world. They had great windy narrow paths with jumps and everything, definatly a thrill!

This is right before our SKY DIVE!!! This was in Taupo, the cheapest place in New Zealand, and we lived, so we also think its the best. ALthough I don't have any pictures of me jumping out of the plane at 12,oo0 feet, i have a dvd that we can all watch when I'm home! It's pretty funny to see my face while I'm falling... you can see straight up my nose.

We couldn't exactly take pictures of us swimming with the dolphins, but this is before we jumped in. We got to swim with about 150-200 Dusky Dolphins! It was so great, they swam all around us and played. I got super sick and fed them on the way home haha but it was great!

I can't put everything up here, but thats a few of the things we did. I recomend everyone go there someday!

love you all and miss you!


Kristin said…
that looks like so much fun! especially the swimming with the dolphins! I'm glad you guys had a great trip! Now it's back to reality like the rest of us :-) Love you!!!
Ralph said…
Fantastic stuff! Thanks for sharing. Although, can't say I'm psyched to "see up your nose".

Your trip sounds amazing. Sort of makes my upcoming trip to Belgium sound rather humdrum.
Laura said…
That's okay Uncle Ralph, you get to have genuine... BELGIUM WAFFLES!! WAHOO!!
Kristin said…
Dad, let's hope these waffles are better than the ones we had at the hotel a few weeks ago. So Disgusting!
Ralph said…
Laura ... The Belgium waffles aren't high on my list; the 450 Belgium beers are. For a country the size of Massachusetts, it's world renowned for its beer ( Yeah, yeah, and all that chocolate too. And I'm only there for 2 nights; ouch, those might be some mighty tough mornings!!

Kristin .. Your sister and I were in Stetson West dorm yesterday on the NEU tour, and she spied those waffle makers in the dining hall; she was psyched: I felt queasy.

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