Scaduto's where are you?!

Hello Scaduto Slackers!

WHERE IS EVERYONE ON THIS POST!?!?!? Come on guys, this is the age of technology, lets jump on the band wagon and keep up with our dear family. This past weekend, I did the Harrisburg Adventure Challenge, which consisted of mountian biking, running, canoeing and problem solving activites. Took me 4:58 with my team of three, so i cut my time from 5:32 last year !! it was a blast, so here are some pics:

They haven't posted what place we got yet, but I'll tell ya if you care in the future.

Love you all, start posting!

Laura Lu !


Kristin said…
cuz...nobody else is following suit!!!!! where are all the scaduto's?
Mikayla said…
Haha good job Laura! I just want to point out that you were in front of both boys. Barely, but I am still proud.

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