quick update

I was told by my roommate Christine ( a fan of the blog) that its a little slow for her taste. Since i would hate to dissapoint my our fans, i thought i would write a quick update.

I'm incredibly devasted that i missed dinner @ Pag's last weekend, but lucky for me, Dad took me and Mikayla a few weeks ago while i was home for the weekend over my "Spring" Break. We also went skating on the frog pond, which has become a tradition, but we missed my college roommates who had joined us for the past 3 years. Dad has the pictures which he should post here, so yell @ him. I'm also sorry i missed uncle mike's birthday, but sadly both my midterms fell a week after these family event. So is the life of a law student, i suppose.

My spring break came and went way too quickly. I'm already back at school preparing for another midterm on Thursday.

I've finalized my summer plans. I'll be working at the clinic at my school. The civil clinic provides services for clients who can't pay. Students act as attorneys with a teacher/attorney supervising. If the case goes to court, then us as students get to represent the client and conduct the trial, as well as writing all the motions/pleadings/etc. I'll be working on the administrative law clinic dealing with unemployment cases, etc. I currently work at the clinic now as a workstudy student answering phones so i'll be doing that over the summer as well. I'm sure it sounds boring to most (all) of you, but i'm very excited. My roommate is going to TN for the summer as well so i'll have the apartment to myself, which i'm excited about.

here is the link if anyone wants to read about what i'll be doing:

The official countdown has begun. 2 months from last week and i'll be done with my first year of law school.

Ok, there's my update. Nothing exciting but its an update nonetheless. I'm busy studying for my midterm right now and still found time to post for my wonderful family, so everyone should do the same and write a quick post (or a novel if you're Justin) to let us all know what you've been up to since Christmas, or the last time everyone saw you.

Thanks, Love you all.


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