A Deal You Can't Beat!

I have my plane tickets!

I've been invited to be part of a panel (of nerds) to deliver a webinar at the University of Connecticut Health Center and at Harvard early next month. All expenses paid.

So here's the deal. I'll be flying into Logan airport on Saturday afternoon, March 10. I'll make reservations for dinner at Pagliuca's for 7 PM that Saturday. Any Scaduto that can join me is invited! See, I said you can't beat it!

Remember this night? When was this photo taken?

I'll give you a hint. Laura had braces, but Mikayla did not.Yum, I can almost taste it now. Let me know if you can join me!


Ralph said…
Sounds like a plan!!

Funny to see Pag's old front; they've remodeled.

Ouch, that's one ugly pic of me. Thanks bro.
Mikayla said…
Ahhhh Laura with braces and me without...I miss those days...

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