China, baby!

Hello Everyone! Just wanted to tell you some really big news! Today in school we found out that our band has been invited to go to Beijing, China for the 2008 Olympics! We'll be going on July 10 to July 20, the summer before I enter junior year. (next summer) We can only go if there are over 100 band members who are able to because the trip is optional, considering the astronomical cost and the fact that it's in the middle of summer. But, with the band being numbered up to almost 400, it's unlikely not to be able to get 100 of them to go. Anyway, can't wait to see see you all, miss you and love you!



Ralph said…
Sounds absolutely AWESOME. Time to start saving all the penny you can!!
Kristin said…
i shall start compiling a list of the things i want from China.

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