Top of the Mornin!

ey Everyone! Greetings from an unusually warm Ireland! Just wanted to add some pics. There is a pic here of Mark and Alison and new baby Sam, cute right?  I also added a picture some of my friends at our Camogie practice. Enjoy, can't wait till august!!


Kristin said…
Nice pics Laura! The baby is very cute, as long as you don't have to babysit right?!?
Russ said…
Great photos and beautiful family picture!
Laura said…
babysitting is my middle name!
Ralph said…
Thanks for sharing.

Nice camán (hurley) you got there, you any good at hitting sliotar yet?.
Laura said…
I suck to say the least!
Ralph said…
Oh Laura, I doubt that very much. I'm sure you're a star.
Michael said…
Tim did a little hurling at his Grad party... Oh wait a minute that's a different hurling!

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