Spring Break in New York

Adam and I spent our Spring Break in New York City. On our last morning, we went to Rockefeller Center and watched the Today Show being taped. Here are some pictures! Donald Trump was one of the guests and he came outside and shook hands with most of the crowd, but he did not get to where Adam and I were standing. But Meredith Viera came over and took pictures with everyone. We were actually on TV, but I did not DVR it. Mikayla watched it- she can be my witness!


Laura said…
This is so cool! maybe you can go on NBC.com and find the old show? I'm impressed!
Kristin said…
I looked it up and you can order it for $15.00. Pretty cool, but not sure if its worth it. We'll try to do it again when we move there, and we'll actually let people know so they can watch it!
Ralph said…
I'm gonna go with "not worth it". Really now, Meredith Vieira, with her eyes closed no less.

Now, if it was Angelina Jolie, that would be different.

Did you know that Meredith's husband, Richard Cohen, is a well known journalist also, and has written a book about his MS.
Kristin said…
I did not know that. And i'd much rather meet Meredith Viera than Angelina Jolie.

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