In Honor of Daddy's Birthday

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Ralph said…
Now that is truly hysterical; gave me a great laugh.

Thank you VERY much honey; what a great way to start my day.
Kristin said…
You guys move pretty well for your age!! Glad you enjoyed it daddy!! Love you
Mikayla said…
geez guys even I can't do that stuff, and I'm a gymnast! Great job!
Laura said…
oh my god that was so funny! hahaha im still laughing! great job kristin!!! happy bday uncle ralph!
Ralph said…
Mikayla .. Never underestimate the power of the "Scaduto boys".

Thanks Laura.
Sam Scaduto said…
Happy B-Day Uncle Ralph!
Ralph said…
Thanks Sammi.
Dana said…
OK, a little late, I know, but Happy Birthday, Ralph! . . . and still so much energy. Great Jib Jab, Kristin!

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