July 4th weekend at the Hortens

We spent Saturday evening with the Hortens at their home in rural Perry County, and had our own little celebration of Independance Day. Thanks so much Claire, Joanne and Kevin!


Ralph said…
Russ .. That photo of Laura is impresive; the lighting and shadows on her face are impressive. Sharp focus too.

A picture like that is pretty difficult to capture without a great camera like yours; my simple Cannon could never get that.
Russ said…
We did not have many sparkers left when I took out the camera, so not much time to practice. I just got luckey with that shot. My camera does focus in the dark using IR, but the remainder of the settings were manual. This was shot with an ASA of about 500, for 2 seconds at f/5.6. I did use PhotoShop to get the background haze a bit darker. I was amazed that Laura remained in focus for that long consider I was holding the camera in my hands.
Laura said…
Those pics are great daddy!

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