My Christmas in Ireland

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd put up some pictures from my trip over to Ireland to see Stephen this Christmas. I had a wonderful time, but I did miss everyone, and I was thinking of you while looking at the green grass and relaxing in the pubs! Stephen sends his love as well to everyone. So here you go, enjoy some pics!

<-- This was a night out in Cork where i got to meet up with some friends from Millipore that I met over the summer. Below are the friends.

<-- This was New Years. We went to Kilarney with Stephen's brother and Al his wife, and a bunch of friends for the weekend celebrations. It was great craic!

<-- This is from my "Trad Session" in Cork. Translation- a group of musicians that play traditional irish music in the pub. It was really a great experience and I had a really fun time doing it. I would love for it to be a regular thing!

Of course I made Stephen take me to some touristy places. This is the house at Muckross Abbey in Kilarney. Nice crib !

Our one and only pic of Torc Waterfall in Kilarney because of the downpour.

I have many more, but I didn't want to crowd the sight. For those of you that have facebook, take a peek on there to see the rest! I have to say, I now have even more fond memories of Ireland since my summer with my deartest Uncle Ralph and Kristin and Mikayla's visit. This was an amazing trip and Xmas present so thank you mom and dad :) Hope everyone enjoyed the pics!


Ralph said…
Laura ... Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.

It sure looks, and sounds, as if the craic was mighty!!

Love ya, Uncle Ralph
Kristin said…
Glad you had fun!!! We missed you though

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