An Icy Winter Day

We did not get all the snow that hit the NE over the past few days but we received our share of ice overnight last night. It's been raining and the temperture fell last night just enought to ice everything up. It was beautiful, but we were without power for about 9 hours. Not much to do, except read and take photos.


Laura said…
cool pics daddy
Laura said…
dad, if you click on my pictures they get big like you said you cant get yours to do.. i can show you what i did. Love you
Ralph said…
Laura .. post here, as a comment, how you do that. I clicked on the image you posted of the bench on your deck, once enlarged you really get a whole new perspective of the thickness of the ice.

Great pics.
Laura said…
well, there actually isnt a special way I did it. I just made the pictures the largest size when I loaded them. I dont really know why they get big. I think dad you said that you loaded yours at the smallest size. That's my scientific reason. Haha

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