Panoramic Scenes of Ireland

I finally got around to stitching some of my panoramic digital images of Ireland. Here are my 3 best.
Cliffs of Moher:
Fields of Connemara County:

Ocean view of Dingle county:


Russ said…
Neat pics Ralph. I'm looking forward to seeing these full size.
Kristin said…
Daddy missed his calling as a photographer. Nice pics daddy, can't wait to see the real things.
Ralph said…
Russ .. Silly you. Why wait for the full size pics? Just jump on a plane with Dana, and get your butts over here. Fly on a Thursday, fun Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, and fly back on Tuesday. Simple: 2 days flying, 4 days in Ireland, and you only need to take 3 days off from work. Come on man, what's holding you back, it ain't like an opportunity like this is gonna pop up everyday now is it.

Kristin .. Can't wait til your here only. Can't wait.

.. R

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