Brown or Black

Okay, I know this is really silly, but I'm interested in the group think. I totally realize that no one will be able to tell what color belt (or shoes for that matter), we wear in the family photo, but I just gotta know, black or brown belt??

Eric and Kristin have already told me their opinion, black.
Dana and Mary say brown.
As for me, I always match the belt to the pants, so I'd go with brown.

Being it is a rather slow blog these days, how about we hear from some others on this vital topic.


Laura said…
DEFINATLEY black. You now have the expert fashion advice from 2 generations. Choose!
Kristin said…
Thank you Laura!
Cara said…
I'm putting in my vote for brown/ don't own a nice black one
Laura said…
I think is the adults that have to decided to go with the ugly color choice! Us kids are just trying to balance it out!

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