Update from Londonderry

Hi everyone!

I know I haven't really been on lately, and I just wanted to give a quic update before I finish my Spanish homework.

School is going well, I have made a lot of new friends so far, mostly from band. I really like high school so far, and my classes are good. Although my English class is presenting a bit of a challenge. Other than that, I have been very busy. On Wednesday I have a fielde trip to the Christa McAuliffe(Sp?) Planetarium in Concord, which Kristin is probably going ot meet me for. Thursday I have a three hour band practice, Friday I have a football game in Nashua, and Saturday I have the Salem Band show which will probably last about four hours. So, basically taking up all of my Saturday with Dad. (Bad timing, huh?)

As you can see, school and band are keeping me quite busy, but i have having a lot of fun with it!

Love you all, and Nonno, I hope you are feeling better!



Russ said…
Thanks for the update. Sounds like you're pretty busy. Hope to see you soon.
Uncle Russell
Laura said…
good to hear from you Mikayla, you sound busy like all the rest of us scaduto's! I miss you and hope i can see you this weekend!! love you!

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