A Post From That Guy You Probably Forgot Was In The Family.

Hello all!

Seeing as it has been roughly 5 months since my last post, I figured I would break the silence, as I know you all cry at night wondering what I do. One might think that considering the lengthy time period between posts, I probably have a lot to talk about, but alas, my life really isn't all that interesting. In fact, I can only think of two items that worth mentioning (neither of which are work).

The first is that I came of age this weekend, that is if you are in the group of people who consider 23 "of age" for something, which you probably aren't, since I believe that group has approximately zero members. Anyway, I just wanted to say that my birthday went swimmingly, which basically involved copious amounts of partying. I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who sent me a card or an email, and a super thank you to the people who gave dollar dollar bills yo.

The second interesting story of note is a tale of a Berkshire area kickball league. There exists an organization called the World Adult Kickball Association, which recently started a new league for the Western Massachusetts County, known as the "Berkshires". Myself and many coworkers decided we really would like to play in this league, and so we started a team, which we named "The Ball Busterz". Our first game was about the week of August 21st. It was an exciting game, or so I hear, because I was in FL that week. To make a long boring story short and only slightly boring, we finished the six game season 2-1-3. Yes, we had quite the knack for tying.

There were only 4 teams in the inaugural season, and it was made short due to the sun setting about 20 minutes after it arose. The playoffs began last week on Wednesday, and we were entering as the third seed, only surpassing the team who had not won a single game. The morning of, our captain, a hairy man by the name of Chip, sent out an email trying to pump us up, asking, "We need some strategy if we are going to win this, any ideas?"

In my infinite wisdom I replied with, "How about we try scoring more runs, and letting them score less?" Yeah, I know, I am a genius.

The playoff game was against the number 2 seed, a grizzly team of local bar owners and barbers known as "The Saloonatics". Using my incredible strategy we played strong all game, scoring in every inning except one, and kicking around the order twice. Just imagine the most exciting baseball game you have ever seen, then imagine it was actually kickball, then add me, and finally imagine that it was pitch black for the last inning and you can't see 2 feet in front of you. We were the away team, so we were at quite the disadvantage, and being only up by 4 runs in the bottom of the fifth (yeah, only 5 innings), it was a scary situation. They pulled out two runs before we got one out and we starting biting our fingernails, or at least I did, because I have a bad habit of that. Then came a crappy pop fly and we were 33% out of the inning. Then came two really unexciting kicks down the first base line to win the game ... pretty anticlimactic eh? So we, like, totally won.

The next game was on Thursday and it was the championship game. The tension was high because the winner was to be given a large trophy with every players' name engraved upon it (seriously). If you are expecting another amazing literary description, don't hold your breath, because we played a much more defensive game and ended up slaughtering them. Also, I'm lazy. Anyway, we were awarded a trophy, which we promptly took to the bar, filled with beer, and drank out of. The next day was filled with headaches, fear of sunlight, and the abhorrence of loud noises.

The End.


Dana said…
Justin, that was an hysterical account of your life. If you ever tire of the software biz, you have a second calling in comedic writing. Glad to know you still have your sense of humor. Happy Birthday & I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Love, Auntie Dana
Kristin said…
justin, you are a classy guy.
Laura said…
justin who? oh yeahhh my other cousin haha.. good post there, ur such a scaduto

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