
Ok so I figured out how to get a post on here after months of the thing denying me...who the heck knows. I'm sitting in my adorable apartment with leah just relaxing until bed time. I got a night off from volleyball and used it to the best of my ability. I caught up on my crazy feminism reading for psych class, did a little labor day shopping for the apt at Kohls and bought a ton of flower bulbs with mom to put in my front yard. I planted a few mums before the sun went down. I actually sat out on our porch on the furniture that mom painted for us afterwards and did some outlining for class. I could get used to this having my own place thing. The only thing missing is my Hannah. I get some relief because my neighbor has a fat black lab named Daphne. She and I have become fast friends.
Ah and Laura, you'll appriciate this, I bought these adorable high heeled 9 west shoes a week or so ago because they reminded me of the cute ones that you buy and that I'm always jealous of. Bob took me out do dinner tonight and we decided that we were going to go to Cracker Barrel. Well, Cracker Barrel's wooden floors + my non-tread wooden high heels = catastrophe. I took 2 steps in the door, one foot slid out from underneath me and I did this crazy try-to-get-your-feet-under-you thing while keeping my skirt down and face planted in the middle of the cute country store. Bob classified it as one of the better "Cara moments" and I will not be showing my face in there for a looooong time.


Kristin said…
yeahhhh welcome cara! Sounds like quite a fall, sorry i missed it! love you xoxoxo. ps did you see the macarena? I'm still embarassed for my ten year old self.
Laura said…
Haha theres the thing about buying the shoes and knowing how to wear the shoes, that is really funny, you sound like mom. (hahaha sorry mom) Good story. Yes the macarena was horrible haha
Russ said…
I wish I had seen that dance at the Cracker Barrel. Better yet, wish Bob had it on film. Maybe I should check the security camera tapes at the restaurant. I bet the manager would part with the tape for a few bucks!

Cara, can you post some pics of your place for folks to see?

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