hello from law school!

Hi famiily! I thought i would take a free second (as if those really exist for law students) to make my first update from law school!

I moved up to Concord NH on August 19th. I live in a house with 3 other girls. I've really only made friends with one of them. Her name is Jill and we have most of our classes together and we also hang out with the same group of people. Our other roommate Heather we dont really get along with that well. She is just a very different personality, she doesn't really go out and she is kind of uptight. Jill and I are having some issues with her and the house, such as parking our cars. There are 2 spaces and 3 cars and Heather doesn't really seem to be willing to park at school occasionally. We are also having issues with our landlord

Orientation was kind of boring, as to be expected, but i met a lot of people. I really like the friends i've made here, although i will be quick to note that for the first time in my life, i have almost all guy friends. I am not used to sitting around and watching football instead of chick flicks. I miss the chick flicks, i'm not going to lie.

School is hard, as to be expected, but i also really love it. I wasn't expecting that. I really love my civil procedure class, and i don't mind torts so much. Contracts is pretty rough, but i think that is more because of the teacher. legal research is the bane of my existence. I understand the necessity for it, but the assignments remind me very much of 3rd grade homework. It gets harder by the week and i am sure by midterms i'll be singing a different tune. I do miss my sleep and my free time, but i definitely think its not as bad as people made it out to be, not yet anyways.

I miss Boston, but i am very relieved i am not there. I think i would have had a harder time making friends if i was in Boston with all of the friends i already had, plus there are so many more distractions. There is just enough to do in Concord to find something to do when you have some free time, but not so much that you are always wanting to go out, mostly because chances are, you've already been there. I have been to the same sports bar at least 6 times now.

Overall, all is well, and i am doing well, if only just a little bit tired at all times. Grandpa i hope you are feeling better, we all love you very much!


Cara said…
I got a nice laugh out of the football watching...I can sympathize! I'm glad things are going so well.. Love you!!
Kristin said…
Did i not mention that there is only one nice bar in Concord and its a sports bar? That's really the only explanation i can give.

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