Queens Gate, London

This is the building that Mikayla lives in.
Her entrance door is almost dead center.
The street is Queens Gate.

This is the actual entrace to the dorm.

This is a side street neighborhood. The area she lives in is the west end, specifically: Kensington.
From what I can see, not a lot of poor folk in this area of London.

This building is on one of corners of Queens Gate Street.

On my first day here we visited London Bridge. 
This shot is from the banks of the river Thames. 

Here is Mikayla touching the waters of the river Thames.

Yeah, I know, poor child having to endure all this.  Ya right!!  She is having a blast.

I have loads more pics of London, but no time to upload; London is calling: time to get more pics and make some more memories.

..  R


Kristin said…
yay scadutofamily blog! Love the pics. Thanks daddy.

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